Hey there everyone! I hope your August is going well. I'm excited since I'll be taking a trip next week, it'll be a really nice break. I wanted to give you all some writing prompts to work with, as I do every Friday. These are character focused.
✯ Does your character like their grandparents?
✯ Does your character like their aunts and uncles?
✯ What flavor of ice cream does your character like?
✯ What could you remove from your character that would completely change them?
✯ What kind of people do they hate?
✯ Do they make friends easily?
✯ Are they doing well finically?
✯ What would they buy from Hot Topic?
✯ Do they have any odd hobbies or things they like to collect?
✯ How much do you like this character, and why? Can you change your answer?
✯ What gemstone would you associate them with?
✯ What animal would you turn your character into?
Hope you had fun with these! See you all next week.
-Rosetta 💖

[Image by Fredrik Posse]