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Writer's pictureSerpentine Jade Castiel LaCour

The Jello Crisis Update: I Got Fox a Cat

[This post has been translated to English as faithfully as possible. Please note that Castiel often swears in his normal speech.]

Hey, Castiel again.

I feel like I gotta follow up after Fox and I both posted like, essays for y'all to read. So uh, here I am, following up. I really felt like shit because I couldn't help Fox that night, which is why I wanted to post about it. I just, I dunno, felt bad. I'm not good at emotions and he needs someone who's good with that shit. I gotta teach him to take care of himself, and one of our friends, Zen, suggested a pet. So I figured that could help. I mean, right now we live in a huge house so there's plenty of space for a cat, and we're rich, so we can pay for one. Of course, I don't know shit about cats, or where to find one. So I started looking around online. Cuz Zen told me to get a rescue, cuz those cats need homes. Me too, honestly, I needed that as a kid.

I visited a bunch of gems all over the city who had cats they needed to find homes for. Old and young cats, I gave them all pats. It really is therapeutic. But I just, I couldn't find one that would be good for Fox. Some of the cats really liked me, which is a plus, but they have to like Fox too. I can be a little shit, so we don't need a little shit cat too. Defeated, I just took a walk. I was back in the Lower City where I spent most of my teen years, so talking a walk isn't like, the safest thing to do. With gangs and criminals everywhere it's sketchy at best, but I have my whip and a strong will, so I could fight off anyone I had to.

I heard a weird noise from one of the back allies, and there was this cat, just sitting there. I mean, they couldn't've been more than a year old. Just sitting in a box which had fallen over. They ran over to me, just screaming and meowing. Like dude, chill. I realized that I'd stumbled into one of those click bait "I took this cat home off the street" faith in humanity stories, but I still picked this cat up and plopped them into my Impala, and drove them to the vets. Vet said he's a boy, and that he's healthy besides some flea treatment. He's about a year old. I had him fixed so he doesn't spray the house. For a few days I kept the cat hidden at Zen's house for the flea treatment and so I could get all the shit cats need.

So yea, I gave Fox the cat this morning. He named it Jello, Black Cherry Jello. But to be honest, I wasn't shocked. Like, what else would he name a cat? This just makes sense. Anyway, he's a picture of Jello in our kitchen;

A simplistic drawing of a black cat with red eyes on marble floor.

He's like most cats, he can teleport and fit into any container. He's just also completely black and that makes him look like a void. Oh, right, human cats aren't confirmed to teleport or fit into containers 1/2 their size. Or have red eyes. Human cats are weird. Anyways, that's Jello. He's already playing with his toys and getting up onto shelves we don't want him to, so there'll be training ahead. He really liked the ride in the Impala so Fox wants to leash train him so he can go on walks and car rides. I think it'll be good for Fox to have a little chaos being around, one that isn't me.

Talk later,


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