A small note from Rosetta before I let Fox take over; I want to apologize for the missed post last week! I was extremely busy finishing Art Fight, and had creative burnout. I finally have a moment to write this post about Nationals, and want to do some more character writing; hence letting Fox take over. I'll have another car show post soon; I visited the Log Cabin again. For Nationals, I totally forgot to bring the journal I use to take note of what cars I see, so some of these will be total guesses, or I won't have any information to give to Fox... oops. That's all from me, see you soon!
Hello everyone on the blog! Good to chat with you all again. Ma's allowing me to give highlights for Syracuse Nationals, which is super fun, since I have a totally different view on cars than you do. If you wanna see the post Ma made with all the Camaros and Firebirds, you can click this link. Anyways, why don't we get right into the cars?
Will someone explain to me why humans do this??? You guys lower your cars to the point of touching pavement and it confuses me. I'm pretty sure this thing has a way to lift off the ground slightly, otherwise it'd be scratched to death on the bottom, but still. I don't see it as super appealing. Maybe it's a culture thing, we don't do this on Gemlord. But hey, this car won the award for the lowest car. It's a pretty Caddy, probably from 1958 or 1959. I miss fins on the sides of cars. I know they weren't super practical but I'd still get a car like this one. So pretty and sleek.
So this truck has like, a Corvette engine and other Corvette parts. Which is just wild to me. I think it's an old Ford truck. Of course, it doesn't say Ford on it, it says "fuck" instead. That's just funny. I'll never get the aged look, but I do love a Ford fitted with Corvette parts, because I love Corvettes. This truck had won an award but I'm not sure what it was for.
So this thing is wild. If I remember right, the owner fabricated a lot of the body panels that needed to be replaced from the original truck. This truck had also won an award (we visited the Winners Circle first) in the fun contests, but I forgot which one this was. I really love how it's clear love was put into making this truck look like a lot of fun.
Ma loves Fieros, she says they're really sci-fi and that she'd like to drive one. Not my first choice, but I'd drive one of you gave it to me. After a little Googling, it's the '84 year that had issues with engine fires. This is an '84 if I remember right. So, you know, just don't get a four cylinder from '84 if you want one. The owner said it was his grandfather's car and he'd just kept it on good shape ever since. He had won the 80s themed award for this car. He didn't know about how the cars had been blacklisted from insurance due to all the engine fires until Ma's father told him, so that was a lot of fun to pass on that knowledge.
We have now left the Winner's Circle and are greeted by the unmistakable back of an early 60s Impala, along with the reassuring "honk if parks fall off" sticker. This was two generations before Castiel's Impala, but I still love them up until the 80s. I wish they still made them, but they were never the same ones I loved anyways.
[Editor's note: Fox talking like this about our cars is mostly translation. He's actually speaking about cars on Gemlord that mirror these cars, but this would be hard for even I to process, thus is translated into love for human cars.]
We had a nice chat with the owner about this one. I don't remember about what, but I just remember focusing more on the car than the conversation. I tend to watch passively at all these shows, but I think I was just impressed by how good of shape this car is in. Almost as if I could've seen it on the road somewhere back in the day.
And now we pause for three random single photo cars. The first is a Ford Gran Torino. I do like the colors on it, that's a nice gradient. Next, I believe it's a Continuation Car of a AC Shelby Cobra from the 60s. Last is a purple Chevy Nova from the 70s.
So Nationals is normally limited to Classic American cars. The Shelby isn't really one either, but it's in the wheel house. Well, how about this Honda CRX? I don't share Ma's extreme excitement over Hondas, although it's starting to rub off me. I'll always have that Chevy brand loyalty my mom burnt into my brain as a kid. Ma was very happy to see a Honda, since she was wearing her only car shirt at the time; a red Honda t-shirt. One of the body panels is missing, and we weren't sure if the owner had planned to fix that or not. He also did autocross, something Ma's father has been interested in doing with his wagons. It's something I've been wanting to do with my Camaro too, but I almost always end up racing my mom when I'm in Quartz.
Here's a nice El Camino for you, reminds me of the stripes on my Camaro. Only truck I'd ever drive.
The owners of this Marquis were on their way out when we came up to them, but we were lucky to snap a few photos. I'm really drawn to wagons with the wood vinyl no matter the manufacturer. I love the hide away headlights on the wagon, it makes me laugh some. That feels like a feature reserved for sports cars on Gemlord, so on a wagon it's very funny.

Ma has a model that's exactly the same as this Cuda. The sign is a bit cut off, but you can see it's super rare. Ma just likes pink cars, if she was to drive a Chrysler it'd have to be this pink Cuda. I admit, they're pretty slick.
A good old wood wagon from the 50s (I think). No vinyl, just wood.
Never seen one of these before, a Midget. Cute little car, not my style but I know some people who would drive it.
Ok, how about something super cool to finish us off? An original DMC DeLorean. Apparently a different company owns all the DMC stuff and is making electric DeLoreans now. Rear engine cars will always be interesting to me, since Gemlord cars have reactors in the front for the most part, but changes have started to come with the invention of modular cars. Anyways, it was super cool to see a movie legend in real life. Yes, we do have Back to the Future on Gemlord, we managed to find it floating around on the internet.
There are still more cars I didn't show here, but that only means more car posts for another day! There's also more content from the Log Cabin coming in the near future. See you all again soon, maybe in a car post, maybe on a post of my own.
-Fox Alfred