Hello everyone!
It's time for another 400 word flash fiction story! I had a much harder time with this week's prompt, but I find it quite interesting nonetheless. I got a chance to mess around in my elven world, which is where my in-progress novel The Digital Heart is set.
Here's the prompts from the generator:
Character: A woman in her late 70s, who is sleepy.
Situation: Bored wizards decide to throw a party.
I messed around with the definition of these prompts, but that's what creativity is. Enjoy!
When I mentioned I was tired, a slumber party was not what I expected.
“Come on Shaea, it'll be fun.”
I'd decided to hang out with one of my friends in the spell casting major. We're sitting in a circle, wearing our PJs, looking at a book. He and his friends call themselves wizards, when in reality they just know more spells than most elves.
“I can't do elven magic.”
“It'll be easy, make it float!”
I yawn, why is being seventy-seven so complicated? I'm here to finish my required education and finish my guard training.
I grab the book and hold it in the air, “Tada, it's floating.”
The group laughs and I put the book down. But my friend still nudges me.
“Just give it a try. The spell is simple. Channel the magic energy and demand,” he points at the book, “Levitate!”
The book rises into the air, back cover flopping open as gravity fights to keep it grounded. He points his finger to direct the limp book, sending the pages flopping around in the spine. The book falls neatly to the floor again once he closes his hand.
“I don't know,” I roll my eyes, “I failed Spellcasting 101 in the first week because I couldn't cast the levitate spell.”
“You didn't fail, you got moved,” someone chimes in.
“My point is, I don't have it.”
“You're saying that because you're only half elf. Just give it a shot.”
I look at the “wizards” and shrug, “Just this once.”
I point my finger at the book, trying to channel raw magic energy into it. I can't focus, exhausted from sparring all day. The book becomes encased in ice. Surprise, the half Snow Elf freezes the book.
Everyone looks slightly disappointed, but I shrug, “I'm too tired for games. Doesn't slumber mean sleep? A slumber party means we all sleep.”
I yawn, causing a chain reaction of yawns. My friend nods, wrapping a blanket around himself, “I think she's right.”
“Who's gonna thaw this book?”
“I dunno,” I get up, grabbing the book, “but I'll leave it near the sink so it doesn't leave a puddle on the floor.”
The “wizards” nod, heading to the cluster of sleeping bags.
I stare at the book, pointing at it with an intense stare.
Before my eyes, the book dries up. Guess I can do elven magic.
Speaking of The Digital Heart, I've got 24 pages edited! Only 122 left. I've been focusing on sending short stories to literary magazines this month, so progress is slow. Once I have a bunch of stories in rotation, I can focus on the novel.
Have a wonderful week,
-Rosetta 💖

By Jaredd Craig