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Driving Story: Castiel's First (And Hopefully Last) Illegal Street Race

Writer: Azurite Fox AlfredAzurite Fox Alfred

Updated: Jul 18, 2023

[Please note that English is Fox's 2nd language, so there may be errors in grammar and other technical aspects. I've left small notes for the purpose of clarity, but I want to leave his words unedited.]

Hey, long time no see everyone! Castiel and I have been with the Founder Festivals that happen in around June for you guys, and the newest holiday, which is basically an independence day type celebration. I'll go more into those stories another time, but we're calming down from a busy few weeks of touring and partying. I wanted to talk about teaching Cas to drive his Addax [Chevrolet Impala], because he's a crazy driver.

Of course, he had to get his permit first. We have a similar test to the US system, where we have to pass a test that looks at road signs and traffic safety. I was studying with Cas, and realized he just couldn't understand half of it. I've had to teach him to read signs. Like, words on signs. It's crazy that no one taught him to read, like I had to teach myself because I grew up in a prison city, but him? He had access to education, but no one taught him anything. I'm just shocked. I had to learn it the hard way even after he managed to pass the permit test and I started to get him driving. "Stop" must not be in his driving vocabulary yet, because the amount of stop signs he's blown have been uncountable. I've been scared of the law for awhile, and I'm happy to go past the speed limit on the rare occasion, but stop signs aren't something to mess with. He must not fear the law, cuz we got pulled over after he ignored a light and he just harassed the cop out of a ticket. The cops in the Hills know who we are and that we'll challenge them, and I think Cas plans to abuse that power. I have to do better about keeping him in control...

But the biggest, most recent thing that happened was how we were leaving the house and had left the Hill's gates. After a recent conversation with my mother, he's started to grow a hatred for Aeon, another car brand, like she has. So we're driving behind this slow Aeon, I forget what model it was now, one of their sport cars. Anyway, I told him just to wait for the road to widen, the second lane to open, and to pass. The road gets into a two lane once you get out of the Hills and into the Upper City. Yea, well he's riding the Aeon's ass, and I kept telling him not to. But he keeps on until the road becomes a two lane. I tell him he can pass, so he slows enough and starts to get around the Aeon. The real issue is that we both had our tops down. Cas' Addax is this big Sport Sedan, a classic from the late 60s that have started to become more rare. The Aeon is a brand new coupe, and has more power than the Addax. Tech has just gotten better, and I haven't upgraded his generator yet. If I had my Dawn [Camaro] I could be equal with the Aeon. But this is Cas in the Addax, a large four door luxury car. He starts to go around, and it seems to go well, until he flips off the driver while passing. Looked like an Emerald, which isn't really adding anything to help our case. Jades and Emeralds have always disagreed, ever since the Clan Wars. So the Emerald in the Aeon speeds up, and we're going something like 60mph to pass, and they're getting faster. Cas is going faster too, the road isn't really high way, it's just two lanes. I'm telling him to stop, and cursing myself for letting my mother teach him anything about driving. Don't get me wrong, my mother is an extremely popular street racer. But she races legally, and she grew up in the slums of the Quartz District and this means she's less likely to follow the rules of the road when on the streets. She just taught him to be reckless, I found out after speaking with her after this.

Anyways, Cas is getting up to 75mph, and the Aeon is up to 80mph. I'm praying to Sapphire at this point, cuz Cas will not listen to me. I'm trying so hard to get him to slow down, but he's now shouting over me with the Emerald about how they were driving too slow. The Emerald is saying how slow the Addax is because of it's age. Now, I'm quite offended, because I bought him the Addax so he could look good in a classic, but I know better than to fight at high speeds with an Emerald in an Aeon. We've got brand bias here. I love Warrior [Chevrolet], but that's a minority up in the Hills and Upper City. There's only Emerald Zen, a friend and very famous pop singer, who has a Warrior bias in the Hills, as far as I've seen. I need to send Cas to driver's ed or something, cuz they'll teach him not to do stuff like this. I'm just hoping I can survive this one as I watch our speed climb into the 90s. The Emerald is alone, and Cas doesn't hear my voice of reason. We're coming quick on the end of the two lane road, having sped through a few stop signs. I had to unbuckle and sit in Cas' lap and hit the breaks. I saw smoke come from the tires. Cas was only inches away from hitting that Aeon, who sped past us and was met with cops. I kept on the breaks, while Cas got mad at me for climbing into his lap to stop the Addax. And I told him that this baby wasn't cheap, and I wasn't going to see it ruined by a petty fight on the road. He agreed with a sigh, and I spoke to the cops about what had happened. Cas had a strike put on his permit, which basically means it'll be taken if he fucks up two more times. Honestly, I think that scared him in line. I can tell, ever since we've been driving after that day, he's been a lot more careful. I've kept the top up, too, which has helped. I drove Cas to the dealership I worked at to get my Dawn, and asked the owner if I could use the shop and check the Addax. Being that we're friends, he was happy to let me use it. He sold me the Addax after all, and was worried when I brought it in. He laughed when I told him the story. Anyways, I threw off my jacket and got to work checking the car, it was mostly ok. I bought new white walls from the dealer for the ones Cas killed, but otherwise everything seemed well. I also gave the dealer extra for letting us use the shop. I took Cas home so I could shower and we could finish our day, and I showed Cas how to pay his speeding ticket.

I didn't expect him to be so crazy when I started teaching him to drive, but I'm pretty sure he learned his lesson there. I'll take him to the District to race my mom's '80 Dawn, and she'll crush him. I'd get my Dawn in on it too, just for fun. Or maybe the Firebird, or the Ray. I've got too many good cars I could race.

I hope you enjoyed that little story. It's nice to post again, I'm sure Cas and I will have more stories coming soon!

-Fox Alfred

The front of a green Chevrolet Impala from the late 1960s.


Site Background by Ayanda Kunene

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