Hey, Fox here. So, I'm sure you're wondering how things are going with Jello. Or maybe you're not, but that's fine. Uh, he's good. A wild cat, that's for sure. I don't think he was socialized a lot... which is fine, but that means we have to teach him not to teleport into the cabinets or to leap out the window during a drive. Leashes are probably easier on animals that can't defy the laws of space and time, but hey, that's what cats are like, right?
I'll tell you a few stories. I didn't have my phone in my pocket but the second day we had him, he'd already gotten stuck in the blinds. Just climbed up there and got stuck, I guess. Castiel and I didn't see him doing this, either. Castiel just shouted for me to come downstairs and I saw the poor cat flopped over, stuck between the blinds. He was crying at us to help, and we did. I guess he'd forgot he could teleport? Cats are silly like that. He didn't like it when I tried to grab him, squirming so much he'd gotten more tangled in the blinds. I calmed him down and pet him while Castiel gently unweaved him. It was really wild.
On Monday he grabbed a bag of chips out of the cabinet while Castiel and I were at work and figured out how to get the chip clip off, and dragged the bag all over the floor. I stepped in the house and heard a crunch. I jumped back into Castiel who got worried I'd had a flashback or something, and we just saw chips everywhere. I'd crushed one under my foot and the whole bag was just all over the kitchen and the living room and the entryway. Jello had crushed some of them up, so there were crumbs everywhere. He'd clearly eaten some too, so I ran him to the vet while Castiel cleaned up. Vet was pretty worried about the salt intake, and told us to watch him. He was fine, he must not have eaten too many of the chips. But I'm gonna take him back next week to sure nothing else bad happened that we really weren't expecting. The vet told us what products we could use to cat proof the house, like anti teleport shields for the cabinets.
Of course, he got into something else because those shields could arrive. Yesterday he was into my jello mix, ironically. I managed to get a picture of this one.

Yea, so that was also pain to clean up. Cuz we had to dust most of it off him, then bathe him before he could take in all the sugar. He was not happy about the bath. He was ready to murder us both after the bath. Like, Castiel and I weren't even trying to put him in the shower, I'll say why afterwards, but just use a wipe or something. Nope, not even a wash cloth. We did our best and we got it all out before it could cure, I think that's the word. We were just hoping to Sapphire (Gemlord's deity) that those shields would come faster.
Now he'd teleported into the shower while Castiel and I were in there a few days earlier, and it it scared the hell out of all three of us. I mean, he wasn't prepared for water, and we weren't prepared for him to jump in. Castiel and I both have big scratches on our legs now, and he dripped water all over the house. We rushed out of the shower and found him, it was still a huge mess. He's learned not to go in the shower when the water is on, that's for sure.
I mean, we both love him so much. He's been cuddling with us in bed, nudging his face into our arms while we hold each other, all that cat stuff. He doesn't want to be apart from us... which might make Castiel and I's normal routines a bit harder until we can train him. That's one thing about adopting an unsocialized cat. You have to socialize them yourself. Jello needs to be socialized, so we're gonna take steps to do that. Zen already wants to come help out, my mother and father want to come up from Quartz and see us anyways, so they'll get to see the cat, maybe my siblings will visit. I produce a lot of artists, but there's a band who've been with me for years, and they're all itching to meet the cat. So I've planned to host a gathering at the mansion for everyone. It'll be good to give Jello experience with other people, I'll try not to overwhelm him.
He's got plenty of toys, his favorite are these puff balls that always get lost under the couch. I have to fish them out with the stick on a wand toy every single time. He can fit under there, I've seen him do it, but he starts screaming if they get under there. I mean he goes off. I thought he was hurt the first time I heard him. He's fine, as long as you get out of the puff balls. Sapphire help this cat.
Anyways, I might be able to keep y'all posted about how his training is going, as long as I don't get too busy with work. Summer picks up so many gigs, I gotta take care of my artists first and foremost. Castiel and I are gonna shoot some videos for his upcoming singles and I'm excited for it.
Until next time,
Fox Alfred.