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Car Upgrades; The Civic Gets a New Stereo and a Bath

Writer: Rosetta FamelletteRosetta Famellette

Good day my friends!

You've already read the title of this post and know the good news. My father and I spent most of the day yesterday working on putting a new stereo in the Civic. Why? Because my old one was skipping at the most random times, the clock easily got off track, and it wouldn't eject CDs very easily. The Civic deserves some car upgrades!

We bought a new one that has Bluetooth, meaning I can play Spotify on it. I'll still use CDs since those don't rely on the internet, but it's exciting to be able to listen to play different music.

The stereo installation was mostly done by my father, so I can't talk about it in depth. I don't know all the details. However, I did spend a lot of time doing something else very necessary; cleaning. My car was perviously owned by someone who liked coffee. Coffee was most likely a daily part of the owner's commute, because traces of it were everywhere. When I did a deep clean of my car last summer, I found coffee under some of the panels on the console. When we took the console out to install the radio, I found more coffee. I took pictures of some of the coffee. It's impossible for me to have captured every spot, due to how much there was.

Of course I'm being a little dramatic about it, there's not so much coffee that it's drenching the plastic. What I find interesting is how dirty a car can get in the spots we can't see. I'll spend forever wondering how coffee got into some of these spots. Below are some of the pictures I took of the mess.

The center console of a 2003 Honda Civic removed, focused on the coffee that was perviously hidden.

This is a spot normally covered by plastic, yet sticky coffee is still here.

The center console of a 2003 Honda Civic removed, focused on the coffee that was perviously hidden. It is shaped like the seat belt.

Coffee stained on the console in the shape of the passenger seatbelt. It had been completely hidden until we pulled the console out.

The center console of a 2003 Honda Civic removed, focused on the coffee that was perviously hidden. The coffee has stained the spot above the cup holders.

This piece is normally facing downward, but is visible to me. How I didn't notice until now is wild!

The foam of the cupholders in a 2003 Honda Civic. They have coffee drip stains on them.

Coffee from the cupholders stain the foam holding them in place.

Now, for the pictures of the clean console.

The center console of a 2003 Honda Civic removed, now clean of coffee.

Squeaky clean!

The center console of a 2003 Honda Civic removed, now clean of coffee.

This piece cleaned up very well.

The center console of a 2003 Honda Civic removed, now clean of coffee.

Much better! The coffee seatbelt outline is gone.

A bottle of Fanastik and ArmorAll sit on a faux wood table, with pieces of a 2003 Honda Civic center console in front of it. There are blue paper towels and cleaning brushes.

The tools of the trade. Shop rags, a cleaning paint brush, Fantastik and ArmorAll.

Even though all this coffee is in a place where no one ever sees it, I'm glad it's been cleaned. There's something calming about knowing that I've cleaned up all the coffee.

Of course, you're here for the stereo. So here's the new stereo.

A new car stereo with blue lights. The stereo is small and has a digital screen. It is currently displaying the run time of track of a CD.

Looks pretty cool, and works much better than my old one. I'm certainly still adjusting, but it works and sounds so much better. I really feel like the Civic is getting an upgrade. I know it might be hard to keep it around more than five years, but I want to enjoy it while I have it!

That's all for now, have a wonderful week.

-Rosetta 💖


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