Hello everyone!
I don't like to make a weekly post a blog update but I've been busy finishing up my college semester. I apologize that full content hasn't come out as regularlly as it previously did. That's the reason for this post, to quickly discuss my plan for the blog moving forward.
I've just finished up my work for the end of the Fall 2023 semester, and will be graduating officially in a few weeks. I'm very excited to have finished an associate's degree after two and a half years at Monroe Community College. I've been given the gift of a good college experience, and fulfilled my grandfather's request of making the Dean's List once. I'm in line to have made it for the 5th time this semester. I'm a member of the Phi Theta Kappa honor society which is, of course, an honor. I'm grateful for everything Monroe Community College has given me; I wouldn't be on the path of creative writing if I hadn't gone to Monroe Community College, nor would I have this website. I plan to write emails to a couple of the professors who impacted me most and thank them for all of the work they've done.
I am currently in the beginning stages of rewriting the first novel in the Gemlord series. The concept of the Gemlord has gone through various stages, and the rewrite will be it's third iteration.
From about 2017-2019, which feels so old now, it was an anime type race, with power-up forms and over-powered magical abilities. I was in a long standing text-based role-play with a now ex-friend, who always over-powered all of my characters. The Gemlords will still no match for his increasingly powerful characters. It was about 2018 where I set them aside and only worked on them sparatically for fun. Interestingly, this was the verison where all of the Gemlordian men had died durning an intergalatic war. That's not something I've kept in the current lore, but when I look back on it, I find it very interesting.
From early 2020- late 2023, Gemlord had evolved into something completely different. I ran a text-based role-play Discord server for four years, and during the COVID-19 breakout, many of the server's members had nothing better to do but role-play. I brought Gemlord out of the depths of my notes and my friends and I ran with it. Gemlord become a dystopian story with branches in settings such as the music industry, the budding racing scene, and technology. Fox was born in 2020, and I owe the server for that. However, if you've read my creative non-fiction piece "Cold and the Canal," you'll have a general understanding as to why I no longer run the Discord server. If you haven't, you can click on the title to read it. I battled the members in April about their continuing use of the Gemlord world in role-plays, and eventually I backed down. They had been a huge part in that verison of Gemlord, after all.
It's now December 2023, and only a week or so ago I decided that I wanted to distance myself from the second verison of Gemlord. It's wrapped up in complications and bad memories, but most importantly, I don't like the direction the story is going. Fox is turning out to be a race car driver more than a producer, so I want to embrace that. What this means for the blog is that I won't be posting under Fox or Castiel's names until I've sorted through the rewriting process. I'm not sure where I want either character to go just yet, but I'm working on it. I will update their introduction posts, their bios on the Gemlord page, and the Gemlord Lore post with any new information. I don't want to stop writing as them, but they're in a limbo state right now, which makes them hard to write.
I'm also in the process of working on my NaNoWriMo project; The Digital Heart. I like the title as it currently stands, so I'll probably keep it. I finished the draft this weekend during a road trip, and I'll take a break over the Christmas holiday. I need to work on not only editing, but elements within the Campfire project, since it will be published with their publishing platform. I plan to introduce the two main characters, Lyrisona and Lefyr, to the blog within the next month, along with a lore post guide for my elven lore. Since the story takes place in an entirely different setting than Gemlord, I want to make it easy to understand. Lyrisona and Lefyr will be stand-ins for Fox and Castiel character posts, and serve to promote the story. I hope they'll be a good change of pace while I get the story ready for publication and as the story is published. I plan to make posts weekly again, once the holidays are over.
That's all for the updates. Thank you so much for reading,
Rosetta 💖

Image by Bram Naus