Flash Fiction: Don't Need Words
Gemlord readers: Please make note that Fox and Castiel's posts are written from a point of view after Fox's novel. While I won't let them say major spoilers, minor things may slip. For example, Fox talks about cars he doesn't have in his novel, or events that happen outside of the novel are mentioned.
Flash Fiction: Princess
When the World Stopped; Solar Eclipse April 2024
Flash Fiction: Mushroom Robbery
Car Upgrades; The Civic Gets a New Stereo and a Bath
Burn Out Recovery
Flash Fiction: Tiny Living
Return to the Scrap Yard Playground
Flash Fiction: Midnight Traveling
Flash Fiction: Wailing Bride
Flash Fiction: The Heist
Flash Fiction: Common Sense
Flash Fiction: Quality Time
Flash Fiction: Elven Magic
Flash Fiction: The Gym Pool
The Worst Birthday: Flash Fiction
Holiday Dinner: A Gemlord Holiday Story
Blog Update December 13th 2023
NaNoWriMo 2023: A Month in Review
One Person's Graveyard is Another's Playground; A Day At A Car Scrap Yard