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Image by Ayanda Kunene

Turning the ignition key, I shut the door of my Civic and listen to "Out of Time" play for the ten millionth time. Even though I know the song by heart- I’d already heard it a thousand times within the first week of Dawn FM’s release- it still puts me in a good place. Just me, my car, and the road.

Image by Ayanda Kunene

It doesn’t take long for me to feel the wind on my face, to see the rest of the cars fade away. The open highway comes into view, and the speed limit hits 85. Top down, arm on the door, music filling the road, I feel free. The black and gold paint of my Firebird glimmers with the remaining sunlight. The sky is a glorious gradient of purples, pinks, oranges, and yellows. My destination is nowhere, my expectations are nothing. For this moment, an everlasting moment, I am alone and free.

Image by Ayanda Kunene

“Was that a Camaro?”

A voice interrupts my vision. I’m not alone, nor am I free. I remember where I am. Sitting at a red light, hoping it turns green so I make it to my 9AM class on time. 

“Yea, it was.” 

A second voice joins the conversation as I glance in my rearview to catch up.

But who? Fox and Castiel of course. They’re not real; they’re the characters in my upcoming novel. Coming when? Someday. Why are these two living rent free in my head? Because I write my characters like they’re real people, with their own motivations, thoughts, ideas. I also have ADHD, which means my thoughts manifest in the form of their voices on occasion. I’m ok with that, because it makes my morning commute much more fun.

Image by Ayanda Kunene

Hi, I’m Rosetta Famellette.
She/her, proudly asexual/biromantic. 

I’m an aspiring novelist, hobbyist photographer, and artist with an Associates Degree in Creative Writing from Monroe Community College. My writing explores the humanity of fantastical worlds to shine a light both the smallest and biggest issues we face.

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